The month of July flew by, we started right away with a District Membership Telethon drive & celebrations everywhere for 4th of July. The dashboard was up and running and I could see a few posts turning green right away.
We have visited 10 posts and everyone is on track. The theme this year is "Back to the Basics". What does that mean? It means pulling bylaws out, canteen SOP's, taxes, and all your admin. It definitely is the foundation for every post to succeed. We are here to help before and after our post district visit.
Congratulations again to all the posts that qualified for All-American, All-State, and everyone that finished green by June 30th. Let's reach for All-Green! School of Instruction dates are posted. Posts Adjutant are key to this year. The State Commander emphasized that Adjutant's are not just the minutes person. There will be two in person and one zoom trainings.
August will also be a great month. Remember to look at the district calendar, slack, and email. Let's take care of our comrades, auxiliary, active duty, and communities. We are the Mighty 1st!!!
Yours in Comradeship,
September 2024 Newsletter
Brothers, Sisters, & Comrades,
Great Job getting bonds in on time! Our Auxiliaries are doing a great job of meeting the deadlines National has laid out for us to be successful.
As we come to the anniversary of September 11th and the holidays let us not forget how important it is to work together and cultivate relationships for the good of not only ourselves but our organizations. The work we do can have a profound impact on those in need of our services & programs when we work together with our posts and even other auxiliaries to extend our reach into the San Diego area community.
Membership for the District is looking FANTASTIC! Congratulations to Auxiliary 11387 & 2111 on being the first Auxiliaries to reach 100%
We have 6 Auxiliaries who are within 5 members of being 100%, so keep reaching out to those annual members and invite them in for the next meeting and to renew their membership. 13 of our 21 Auxiliaries are currently over 90% and climbing. We hope to see a representative from every single Auxiliary at the next District meeting to be able to award pins and medallions for your membership accomplishments!
Official Visits are going well, can’t wait to see you all in the coming months, please check your email for an updated schedule of the remaining official visits as some dates have changed. District's official visit will be October 25-27th with our district meeting being October 27th at Post 2275. For other upcoming district events please check the calendar on the district website for the most up to date information.
LeAnna Brown
District 1 President
Our programs support our service members while they are on the front line, as they are being discharged and long after they return. Your tax-deductible donation will be immediately directed to the VFW programs where your support is most urgently needed.