Wendy Calderon
District Commander - Navy

District 1 Commander Wendy M. Calderon is originally from Los Angeles, CA., and graduated from Hollywood High School. Wendy served in the United States Navy from 1993 to 2013 and earned her VFW eligibility by serving during the Global War on Terrorism, while serving onboard the USS Bohomme Richard (LHD-6), Wendy earned the much sought-after Chief Petty Officer (E7) Anchors. Her awards include, among many, the Navy/Marine Corps Commendation medal (2), Navy/Marine Corps Achievement medal (6), and GWOT Expeditionary medal. 
She holds a BS in Workforce Education and Development and a Masters in Public Health with emphasis on Promotion.

In 2020, Wendy joined Carter-Smith VFW Post 5867 Lakeside, CA. She has served in elected and appointed positions at the Post, District, and Department levels. Wendy has served as Post 5867 Commander for three years, District One Junior Vice Commander, and Department POW/MIA Chairperson. She recently became a lousy Cootie at Pup Tent #66 in Monrovia, CA.  Her support system is her boyfriend, Frank, Grandmother, Mother, and two brothers.